Il Circo Colorato book

Circus curtain left
Circus curtain right
Circus curtain front left
Circus curtain front right
Country : Italy
Size : 100cmx140cm ( 39"x55" )
Format : Large
Artist : Renato Casaro
Printer : Fraire, Roma
Year : 1980
Description : What's the first circus I've ever seen? I was about 3 or 4 years old, it was an Italian 3 ring circus, Circo Americano in Belgrade (Serbia) on a rainy day in 1978 while the circus was on tour in ex-Yugoslavia. My grandfather had brought me to see the show... I still recall its blue tent, with raindrops falling on our heads through a small hole. Vividly remember watching an Indian act (Troupe Dakotas) where they were aiming at balloons while riding on horses... what great memories.
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